Pathologies - Affluent Medical

The lives of close to 600 million people worldwide are deeply affected by mitral insufficiency and urinary incontinence. Those with mitral insufficiency must undergo major surgery to avoid all cardiac problems, or even simply to survive. As for urinary incontinence, sufferers change their social life due to leaking, and have to make do with solutions that are difficult to implant and use. All expect easier solutions from modern medicine.

Which is what Affluent offers, with three leading-edge solutions: minimally invasive, adjustable and modelled on the human anatomy. Kalios™ and Epygon treat mitral insufficiency, and Artus treats urinary incontinence.
At the clinical phase today, each of these innovations will be available starting in 2027.

Solutions at the Clinical Phase of Study, and Soon Accessible for Everyone

Structural heart


Mitral valve repair

Testing started in 2019. It is now taking place on a large scale, across 15 or so European centres in Austria, Italy, Spain, Germany, Serbia and Switzerland that treat patients. Many more should soon make it available.

Structural heart


Mitral valve replacement

Testing started in 2022. Active centres in Spain, Italy and Austria are recruiting patients. As soon as the first patients have received their device, large-scale testing will start early 2024.



Urinary incontinence

Surgical access has been tested on three women to validate how simple it is to place the device. The first man should receive his implant by the end of the first half of 2023. There are ten or so centres that are active in Europe, and large-scale testing can begin in early 2024.