News - Affluent Medical


Successful first post-operative adjustment of KaliosTM mitral ring

Successful first post-operative adjustment of KaliosTM mitral ring

Affluent Medical today announces the success of the first ever KaliosTM mitral ring adjustment on a patient suffering from post-operative recurrence of severe mitral insufficiency.

Prof. Alberto Albertini (GMV Maria Cecilia Hospital de Cotignola, Italy) successfully performed the percutaneous adjustment of the original KaliosTM annuloplasty ring 11 months after its implantation following a recurrence of severe mitral insufficiency.

IPO launch on Euronext Paris

IPO launch on Euronext Paris

AFFLUENT MEDICAL launches its IPO on the regulated Euronext Paris market

• Capital increase of approximately €33.0 million, which may be increased to approximately €43.6 million in the event of the full exercise of the extension and over-allotment clause

• Subscription commitments received in the amount of €20 million

• Indicative price range applicable to the Offering: between €7.40 and €9.80 per share

• Subscription period: from 27 May 2021 to 8 June 2021, inclusive, for the French Public Offer (5:00 p.m. for subscriptions over the counter and 8:00 p.m. for internet subscriptions) and until noon on 9 June 2021 for the international offering

Epygon publication

Epygon publication

Affluent Medical published preclinical data in the renowned ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY confirming the potential of its Epygon mitral valve to restore blood flow and reduce the risk of cardiac insufficiency.

• Preclinical in vivo results published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery confirm the Epygon mitral valve ability to adapt to the heart while restoring the native-like blood flow.

• Epygon has been designed to replicate the human physiology to allow a better recovery of the left ventricular function minimizing the risk of cardiac insufficiency.

• A first-in-human clinical trial in 15 patients will be initiated in the 2nd semester 2021 and a pivotal study will be initiated in the US and Europe in the 2nd semester 2022.